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16 benefits of bathing in cold water

16 benefits of bathing in cold water-

Assalamu Alaikum

I have come with Noor Alam, an important topic in front of you today,

The topic that we will discuss today is - 16 benefits of bathing in cold water -

ঠাণ্ডা পানিতে গোসলের 16 টি উপকার -
16 benefits of bathing in cold water

Today we have come up with a very important topic in front of you. We all bath regularly every day. But we do not know how much better for our body when bathing and bathing with any water, we can be physically much better. We usually take a bath.

 Many of us bath in hot water. After bathing in many cold water again. Someone or anybody in the river bath, someone or somebody with tubing water, etc., in different ways, take a bath and adopt different types of methods. But if we take a bath in cold water in the bath then we will be bathing and we will be benefitted from it. Today we will discuss the 16 benefits of bathing in cold water before you. I hope you understand what you read. Bathing will be as beneficial as it is.

The chances of bathing on a cold day are different, but we will try to shower in cold water. So that we have a bath and physical benefits are very good. Then we do not know the benefits of bathing in cold water today. We may already know about the benefits of bathing in cold water, or not, or less or less, but have forgotten. This post of us today for their purpose. Hope you like it, then do not talk more and go to our original discussion. We went straight to our direct discussion. Start a direct discussion.

16 Benefits of bathing in cold water are presented to you in the following detail:

1) Increases blood flow to the body: the skin of the human skin gets diminished only after getting the touch of cold water. Because the skin loses some temperature during this time. As a result, blood circulation continued to be slightly slow. Because of this, blood pressure increased and rapidly moving in the vein. Finally, blood flow increased further.

2) Increase muscle strength: Multiple studies have shown that muscle strength increases if you take a bath in cold water, and it does not take any time to reduce any pain. For this reason, doctors are advised to take bath in cold water after physical exercise.

3) Male sperm gets perfection: Many people may not know this information. If the bath in the cold water increases the sperm of the male. The reason is that the seedling of the sperm gets rapid perfection in the cold temperature. And for them, this environment gives cool water. Again the opposite happens. In other words, hot water hinders growth of sperm. But it does not obstruct its birth.

4) Increases the capacity of each organs: Limp Vessels, which come in contact with the body, cold water, begin to contract. As a result, blood flow increased throughout the body. Whenever this happens, the body's overall performance increases due to the abundance of oxygen-rich blood in each organs. In addition, the risk of getting infected with various diseases decreases.

5) The benefits of enhancing the intuitive reaction: The cold water gets cold by pouring water. Because the skin loses its normal temperature. The body itself produces heat when it comes to the environment outside of the environment. This is to burn some carbohydrates. The whole process is the innate chemical process of the body. And it's good to keep this chemical process moving.

6) Keeps mental depression away: According to a recent research paper, bathing in the pond or river at dawn increases our pores of the hormone in the body, which can lead to mental depression and stress control. So whenever the mind will not be good from this time, you will dive a little in the pond or river, then you will see both the mind and the body become energized.

7) Increasing resistant power: To increase the amount of white blood cells, take bath in cold water. The cold skin itself produces more white particles during heat generation. And the blood fraction of your body is your army. They fight for the prevention of any disease.

8) Lung capacity increases: When we dive in cold water, we stopped breathing and went under the water. At the moment the breathing is gone, it is hardly necessary to take oxygen through the hapus. In doing so, the performance of our phosphus increased severely. So think about how fast those lungs are bathing or those who have a habit of swimming in the pond!

9) Cures muscle wounds: Muscle work is done during hard work. Then its fine tissues are damaged. They need rest for their previous recovery. After cooling down the water, muscle relaxes.

10) Weight loss: Our body has two types of fat. One is brown fat, which helps keep the body warm. And another is white fat, which is not very good for the body. This second type of fat is called the doctors say all the time. In fact, brown fats become very active when bathing in the pond or river's cold water. As a result, on the one hand, the body's energy deficit is reduced, so the calories start to burn. As a result, excess body fat accumulates in the body and becomes fat free.

11) Bringing the comfort of the body: the cold water brings the lifespan back to life. Those who have sleep problems can get benefit.

12) Impairment of immune system improves: Every day our body's immune system becomes very strong in bathing in the pond. As a result, the incidence of various infections decreases completely. Now, you can understand that the holy place, whether it is a virtuous place or not, the body becomes completely healthy.

13) Other benefits: Older pain may come down, itching away, hair loss increases, uncomfortable tiredness of the body relaxes and some nervous weaknesses are removed.

14) Reduce the risk of any type of lung disease: When we drown in the pond or river, we did not stop breathing first. As long as the water is in the water, when it is not possible after the respiration is stopped, then we get up on the water. By doing this repeatedly, lung exercises become very effective. As a result, the lum's performance gradually started to grow.

15) The toxic material is released from the body: When the cold water starts dipping in the morning, some harmful acids are released from the body. As a result, if there is any injury in the muscle, it starts to recover faster. * Increases the performance of the body: During the bath in cold water, the increase of two chemicals in the name of endorphins and nodradrenalin. As these two chemicals go out of the body, the more fatigue is removed. Along with this the body's performance begins to increase.

16) Beauty of hair increases: Due to the bath in the pond or cold water in the morning, the health of the skin and hair improve. The fact that the actual oil that is in the skin and the hair in the interior of the hair does not drain much, the cold water keeps in mind. As a result, the risk of beauty loss may be reduced due to skin or hair loss.

   Hopefully you understand clearly from the above discussion. If someone has any questions, then we can make a comment. We will try to answer your question correctly. And you can comment on how your post was feeling. Thank you so much for reading our post patiently. Keep an eye on our site for a better post later. We will try our best to post better. We wish you all to be well-off here today. Thanks again to all of you. Wait for the next post,

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